Selasa, 22 September 2009



To me : Asking question is the first step towards understanding. If we stand
back and only wonder, too afraid to ask then we start to run into
the problem like ignorance and racism

To me: The grave is the first step of the journey to eternity.
Hope we always ready and redho.......

To me: Asiss any person oppressed whether muslim
or non-muslim

To me : The greatest Jihad is to say the truth in the
front of king
To me : It is better for any of you to carry a load of firewood
on his own back then to beg from someone else.

To me : Look to those inferior to yourself, so that may not hold
Gods benefits in contempt.

To me : The reward of deeds depends upon the intentions and every
person will get the reward according to what he has intended

To me : The greatest enemies of God are those who are entered into
Islam and do acts of infidelity, and who without cause, shed
the blood of man.

To me : Every good act is charity.



They did not recognize me in the shadows
That suck away my color in the Passport
And to them my wound was an exhibit
For a tourist Who love to collect photographs
They not recognize me
Ah...dont't leave
The palm or my hand without the sun
Because the trees recognize me
Don't leave me pale like the moon!

All the birds hat followed my palm
To the door of the distant airport
All the wheatfields
All the prison

All the white tombstones
All the barbed bounderies
All the wawing handkerchiefs
All the eyes were with me,
Hut they dropped them from my passport

Striped of my name and identity?
On soil I nourished with my own hand?
Today job cried out
Filling the sky:
Dont't make an example of me again!
Oh, gentlement, Prophet,
Dont't ask the trees for their names
Don't ask the villeys who thier mother is
From my forehead burst the sward of light
And from my hand springs the water or the river
All the hearts of the people are my identity
So take away my passport

By Mahmoud Darwish

Khamis, 17 September 2009



A single drop of rain may seem like a small thing

But you must remember- it never comes alone. It has friends

And when they come tumbling out of the sky in their millions, they have the power to change the world

The fill the dams that light our homes, nourish the plants that feed us, and lift the great rivers that carry our ships.

In the small things, too. they make miracle

Flowers stand staighter to greet them, a hot afternoon soft its glare, and before they leave for other tasks, they may paint a rainbow or two for our pleassure.

How can something so small achieve such great things.

It is possible

There is power in each of us to achieve things beyond our imagining

A power that is at its best and brightest when many become one